Published on May 14th, 2014 |
by Lonny
Patri McLaughlin: Feeling Good
Rick Dobrowski just sent me his awesome edit featuring Patri McLaughlin riding his home breaks in Maui. Seriously sick riding, and a great job of capturing it all. Loved the Kona footage – even with straps on! Enjoy, Lonny

Tags: Lonny Morris, Lose The Straps, losethestraps, LTS, maui, North, Patri, Patri McLaughlin, Rick Dobrowski, strapless, Strapless Kitesurfing, surf, surfboard, video
About the Author
Lonny Founder and Admin of Lose the Straps, the original site dedicated exclusively to the progression and evolution of strapless kitesurfing, Lose The Straps.