Lonny's Blog

Published on July 14th, 2009 | by Lonny


OT – Patrick’s No Wind Project

Here in South Florida it has been pretty rough. All of us in this sport know the joy of getting to ride, and the pleasure we feel afterwords. Of course we also the antithesis of this feeling when we cannot ride for long periods. I and several other South Florida kitesurfers are feeling the pain that the lack of wind brings us. It has been over 6 weeks since I have gotten to ride. My XBOX 360 Rock Band skills are at an all time high, but this is not soothing the savage beast.

I know I am not alone, Patrick, an LTS member and South Florida resident sent me what he has been throwing his extra energy into. It was pretty neat, and somewhat related that I thought it might be interesting to show to the rest of the Lose the Straps crew. In a note from Patrick he said, ” Most high school students don’t know you can build ocean robots etc and get paid!” – Good point! So you youngsters take note! 🙂

After watching Patrick’s video I am sure you will agree it is pretty amazing what he and his team are doing – especially if the wind isn’t blowing. Yeah its cool, but I know that both he and I cannot wait till the trees start moving again. Here’s to some wind…..

Click here for questions for Patrick on the LTS forum post here

About the Author

Founder and Admin of Lose the Straps, the original site dedicated exclusively to the progression and evolution of strapless kitesurfing, Lose The Straps.

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